Today’s Travesty.

It’s not so much that it’s asymetrical. Asymetry is nice. I have some skirts with asymetrical hems. I am not down on asymetry.

What I am down on, however, is when it looks not like it’s on purpose, but because you couldn’t quite get the pieces to match up. And rather than block them forever, or, y’know, remake it the right way, they said “To hell with it, I’m cold now”. Seamed it up, slapped on that novelty button that’s been in the back of the sewing box forever, and went out to face autumn.

Asymetrical coat

2 Responses to “Today’s Travesty.”

  1. T Says:

    This blog is bad for my eyes. I have to visit one of those cute kitten sites to soothe myself now.

  2. C N DelRay Says:

    Heh. We aim to horrify.

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